Monday, July 2, 2012

Don't forget your tail!

I love the A/V industry because there are always catch-phrasings flying around.  The catch-phrases intrigue me because no one can really tell you what they mean.  The top three catch-phrases that I am hearing right now are:
·         Digital Signage
·         Unified Communications
·         Services
Digital Signage has been around for quite a few years, yet when the topic is brought up, not everyone agrees on what it is.  We all can agree that it can contain a display monitor that shows content, but that is where the similarities end. 
Unified Communications is creating quite a stir right now as it is one of the hottest trends discussed at the InfoComm tradeshow this year.  As with digital signage, a lot of people are throwing around the term UC, but not always meeting eye to eye.  When you get down to the nitty-gritty of UC, it is an idea that has been around since the beginning of technology.  It is basically the idea of sharing your ideas with others.  I am very excited to see how UC solutions will evolve, especially with “the cloud” hanging over our heads.
Services, like digital signage and unified communications, is an evolving solution.  There is always something more that you can offer to your customers, you just have to listen to hear what your customers need.  For some companies this means having their own in-house service department.  Many are providing managed services for their customers.  Others are providing unique, out-of–the-box solutions that they may never do again or that may become commonplace in the A/V industry 3 years from now.
My roommate has a miniature dachshund named Isa.  She is either dappled or a piebald doxie – meaning she is white with brown ears and spots of brown coloring throughout her coat.  Isa is approximately 2 ½ years old (she’s a Scorpio and likes long walks).  In human years, she would be approximately 17-years-old.  Most teenagers that I know are aware of their bodies and understand how they operate.  Not Isa.  This past weekend she actively chased her tail as if it was a smaller animal that needed to be eradicated.  Thankfully, she never caught her tail, but I’m still waiting to see how that will work out for her…
So why do we chase our tails?  We all do it – we get busy providing solutions to our customers that we forget (or don’t) take the chance to step back and survey what we have provided or could have provided. 
Don’t forget the many solutions your company can offer your customers and don’t be afraid to attempt a new approach.  You may be surprised what happens when you catch your tail.

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